# | URL | Анкор | Nofollow |
1 | http://el-ki.su | <...> Битрикс24<...> <...>Полный комплект инструментов для организации работы компании<...> <...> <img> <...> | |
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4 | http://el-ki.su | <...> Битрикс24<...> <...>Полный комплект инструментов для организации работы компании<...> <...> <img> <...> | |
5 | http://enterprise.1c-bitrix.ru | <...>Enterprise<...> <...>Продукты и решения для крупных проектов<...> <...> <img> <...> | |
6 | http://fortune.com/2017/10/17/teaching-ge-the-startup-way-excerpt/ | Teaching GE to Think Like a Startup | |
7 | https://www.forbes.com/sites/danschawbel/2017/10/17/eric-ries-why-companies-need-to-create-an-entrepreneurial-culture/ | Eric Ries: Why Companies Need To Create An Entrepreneurial Culture | |
8 | https://techcrunch.com/2017/10/13/in-eric-ries-new-book-he-tells-companies-to-turn-every-unit-into-a-cash-strapped-startup/ | In Eric Ries' New Book, He Tells Companies to Turn Every Unit into a Cash-Strapped 'Startup' | |
9 | http://www.wired.co.uk/article/eric-ries-the-startup-way-book-entrepreneurs | Why Big Companies Need to Innovate like Entrepreneurs | |
10 | http://inthebooks.800ceoread.com/new-releases/articles/the-startup-way-how-modern-companies-use-entrepreneurial-management-to-transform-culture-and-drive-long-term-growth | EDITOR'S CHOICE: The Startup Way | |
11 | http://fortune.com/2017/09/10/top-books-to-read-this-fall/?utm_source=fortune.com&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=term-sheet&utm_content=2017091113pm | Top Ten Books to Read This Fall | |
12 | https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/dont-let-your-hot-startup-grow-sluggish-old-fashioned-eric-ries/?trackingId=MqqZgcpvBnirCE%2BmIBNGvg%3D%3D | Weekend Essay and Video: Don’t Let Your Hot Startup Grow into a Sluggish, Old-Fashioned Company | |
13 | https://www.ge.com/reports/digital-magic-eric-ries-brought-startup-way-ge/ | Digital Magic: How Eric Ries Brought The Startup Way to GE | |
14 | https://www.wired.com/story/the-startup-guru-who-wants-everyone-to-think-like-a-founder/ | The Startup Guru Who Wants Everyone to Think like a Founder | |
15 | http://www.thetwentyminutevc.com/ericries/ | The Lean Startup’s Eric Ries on the Missing Function of Entrepreneurship in Most Companies, Creating a New Accountability Paradigm &How to Structure Promotions and Compensation in the New Structure | |
16 | https://www.inc.com/leigh-buchanan/eric-ries-the-startup-way-review.html | How to Turn Your Lumbering Dinosaur of a Business into a Nimble Butterfly | |
17 | https://www.forbes.com/sites/tendayiviki/2017/11/07/how-creating-an-entrepreneurship-function-can-help-sustain-corporate-innovation/ | How Creating An Entrepreneurship Function Can Help Sustain Corporate Innovation | |
18 | http://kickasspoliticspreview1.libsyn.com/eric-ries-on-applying-startup-thinking-to-big-companies-governments | Eric Ries on Applying Startup Thinking to Big Companies | |
19 | https://work.qz.com/1132506/lean-startup-evangelist-eric-ries-on-how-big-companies-can-stay-competitive | Lean Startup Evangelist Eric Ries on How Big Companies Can Stay Competitive | |