Тег | Значение | Кол-во | Слов | Знаков |
TITLE | ProUI Frontend - Responsive Bootstrap Site Template | 1 | 6 | 51 |
DESCRIPTION | ProUI Frontend is a Responsive Bootstrap Site Template created by pixelcave and added as a bonus in ProUI Admin Template package which is published on Themeforest. | 1 | 18 | 163 |
KEYWORDS | | 0 | | |
H1 | <...><...> <...>Awesome Features<...> | 1 | 2 | 91 |
H2 - H6 | <h2>The <...>most awesome<...> and <...>complete features<...> to meet all your needs!</h2> <h3><...><...> <...>Первый блок<...></h3> <h3><...><...> <...>Второй блок<...></h3> <h3><...><...> <...>Третий блок<...></h3> <h4><...>Bootstrap<...> Powered</h4> <h4>About Us</h4> <h4>Legal</h4> <h4>Follow Us</h4> <h4><...>2014<...> © <...>ProUI Frontend<...></h4>
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