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TITLECar - Wikipedia1215
H1<...>mini<...>BLOG<...> 1.0<...>
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<...>Car - Wikipedia<...>
H2 - H6<h2>Car - Wikipedia</h2>
<h2><...> Etymology<...></h2>
<h2><...> History<...></h2>
<h2><...> Mass production<...></h2>
<h2><...> Fuel and propulsion technologies<...></h2>
<h2><...> User interface<...></h2>
<h2><...> Lighting<...></h2>
<h2><...> Weight<...></h2>
<h2><...> Seating and body style<...></h2>
<h2><...> Safety<...></h2>
<h2><...> Costs and benefits<...></h2>
<h2><...> Environmental effects<...></h2>
<h2><...> Emerging car technologies<...></h2>
<h2><...> Industry<...></h2>
<h2><...> Alternatives<...></h2>
<h2><...> Other meanings<...></h2>
<h2><...> See also<...></h2>
<h2><...> References<...></h2>
<h2><...> Further reading<...></h2>
<h2><...> External links<...></h2>
<h2>Navigation menu</h2>
<h3><...> Autonomous car<...></h3>
<h3><...> Open source development<...></h3>
<h3><...> Car sharing<...></h3>
<h3><...> Personal tools<...></h3>
<h3><...> Namespaces<...></h3>
<h3><...> Variants<...> <...> expanded<...> <...> collapsed<...></h3>
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<h3><...> In other projects<...></h3>
<h3><...> Languages<...></h3>
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