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180 | http://classicpoetry.ru/22-wheres-madge-then.html | <...>17.10.2019<...> | |
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182 | http://classicpoetry.ru/t/poetry | poetry | |
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184 | http://classicpoetry.ru/18-broken-dreams.html | <...>15.10.2019<...> | |
185 | http://classicpoetry.ru/poet/william-butler-yeats | William Butler Yeats | |
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187 | http://classicpoetry.ru/52-musics-empire.html | Music’s Empire | |
188 | http://classicpoetry.ru/52-musics-empire.html | <...>15.10.2019<...> | |
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192 | http://classicpoetry.ru/08-money.html | <...>15.10.2019<...> | |
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194 | http://classicpoetry.ru/t/poetry | poetry | |
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197 | http://classicpoetry.ru/poet/william-cullen-bryant | William Cullen Bryant | |
198 | http://classicpoetry.ru/t/poetry | poetry | |
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200 | http://classicpoetry.ru/52-thanatopsis.html | <...>15.10.2019<...> | |
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202 | http://classicpoetry.ru/t/poetry | poetry | |
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204 | http://classicpoetry.ru/58-spring.html | <...>14.10.2019<...> | |
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210 | http://classicpoetry.ru/t/poetry | poetry | |
211 | http://classicpoetry.ru/33-on-fields-oer-which-the-reapers-hand-has-passd.html | On Fields Oer Which the Reaper’s Hand Has Passd | |
212 | http://classicpoetry.ru/33-on-fields-oer-which-the-reapers-hand-has-passd.html | <...>13.10.2019<...> | |
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